Frying With Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Correct Or Not?

Frying With Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Correct Or Not?
Frying With Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Correct Or Not?

Much has been written about the health benefits of using extra virgin olive oil for culinary purposes, so we will only briefly highlight some of them.

Extra virgin olive oil in fact, it is the best grade of olive oil we can stock up on. It is made directly from olives and does not contain other impurities, such as cake. It is rich in vitamin E and is considered the healthiest oil we can use in the kitchen.

It is very suitable for seasoning salads, marinating meat and vegetables, flavoring sauces, etc. And unlike sunflower oil, it does not tend to irritate the stomach lining of people who have a more sensitive stomach.

However, there is much debate as to whether this type of olive oil is suitable for frying, and it is this topic that we will consider in the following lines.

It has long been thought that to fry with extra virgin olive oil it is not desirable because when fried it becomes carcinogenic. It has already been proven that this statement is not true at all and the only thing that happens with frying with extra virgin olive oil is that he simply ceases to be an extra virgin.

This is due to the fact that this type of olive oil changes its properties in the preparation of dishes by heat treatment and in cooking at degrees above 160-165 it changes its taste and aroma. Ie changes the taste and aroma of the dishes you will then consume.

olive oil extra virgin
olive oil extra virgin

In view of the fact that extra virgin olive oil is the most expensive olive oil possible, we would advise you to use lower quality olive oil when it comes to frying or just add olive oil extra virgin at the end of cooking.

In conclusion, we will add that like all other oils and fats, olive oil has a shelf life that must be observed. It is marked on the packaging of olive oil and is valid if stored properly, namely not near a heat source and in a cooler place.

The shelf life itself can be up to 20 months after the production of olive oil, but it is very important to observe it, especially if you want to get that olive oil, which is usually sold not in bottles of 500 ml or 1 liter, but in tin cans of 5 liters.

Just think about whether you will really be able to consume such a large amount of olive oil that meets its expiration date.
