Foods Harmful To The Immune System

Foods Harmful To The Immune System
Foods Harmful To The Immune System

In the times we live in today, with dozens of new types of flu and coronavirus, immunity is playing an increasingly important role. The proper functioning of our immune system strengthens our body's defenses against most viral infections and diseases caused by bacteria.

But to have a healthy immune system we must take care of her and provide her with everything she needs to work for us. This means avoiding or at least reducing the intake of substances and foods harmful to our body.

Here which are the most harmful foods for our immune system:

1. White sugar

White sugar in large quantities is among the most harmful foods for humans and affects not only the immune system but also overall health. There is no way to distort our souls and say that we do not like to eat chocolate, waffles and pastries. And we don't have to feel guilty if we indulge in something sweet from time to time. But it is especially important for our body not to overdo it and preferably - not to eat foods containing white sugar early in the morning, above all else.

After consuming sugar, white blood cells decrease by 50% in less than 5 hours, and they are the main defenders of our body. So, if you have the opportunity, when you feel an irresistible desire to eat something sweet - avoid buying ready-made sweets from the store, and instead eat fruit, tea with honey or make a homemade cake with brown sugar. Each of these things is many times more useful than products with white sugar and just as tasty.

2. White flour and pasta

Pasta is an integral part of our lives - snacks, pies, burgers, pizzas and what not. And most often white wheat flour is used for them. And although wheat is useful, unfortunately, white flour producers are making a series of factory changes to their product, in which valuable vitamins and minerals are removed at the expense of better commercial appearance. Thus, white flour only puts extra strain on the liver, as it is more difficult to process, and in the end the positive nutrients do not even reach our body.

Foods harmful to the immune system
Foods harmful to the immune system

3. Fried foods

Fried foods contain a lot of excess harmful fats, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, allergies, asthma and weakening of bones and muscles. And if this is not enough, all these things together lead to a serious decrease in immunity and stomach diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, reflux, colitis and others. So every time you are tempted to take a large portion of french fries with fried chicken, think about how harmful it is for your body. Instead, take baked or boiled potatoes with spices and add grilled chicken - we guarantee you will taste just as good and your body will thank you.

4. Soft drinks and juices

Soft drinks are full of preservatives and artificial elements and do not contain any valuable ingredients. And some of them also contain caffeine, which in larger quantities can be really harmful.

5. Fast food

There is a reason for fast food restaurants to prosper so much - the food there is easily accessible, cheap and delicious. But unfortunately they are also exceptional harmful to the immune system. The bread there is seldom fresh and is most often cooked with white flour or impurities. The meat is almost always frozen and who knows how old or what it is made of. Apart from that, things are fried en masse, mayonnaise or other heavy sauces are added, and food is almost always accompanied by a soft drink.

Fast food contains all the things we listed above, so we can easily conclude that there is nothing useful in it. And while it's hard to stop our kids from eating fast food, especially given that it's the only food available in and around schools, we can make sure at least what they eat at home is fresh, tasty and useful.

Health must be at the forefront of our priorities. Without health we have nothing. That is why we must make a serious effort to protect it and take care of ourselves. And the best way to do that is like exclude harmful foods and curb our bad habits.
