Cloned Truffles Are Placed On The Market

Cloned Truffles Are Placed On The Market
Cloned Truffles Are Placed On The Market

Truffles are one of the most expensive and rare delicacies on earth and as such enjoy particularly careful selection and care. It is officially believed that most mushrooms of this species are found in France, but the championship in the variety of truffles is actually held by Australia.

If at the beginning of the 20th century in France 1000 tons of the product were collected annually, today the yields of the valuable delicacy are only 40-50 tons. This fact deeply worries the French, who in desperation have decided to take extreme measures so as not to feel the lack of taste in the market.

The French province of Corrèze recently announced that it intends to start cloning a world-famous delicacy, and the drastic decision was made after a significant reduction in yields in recent years.

The French decision is not really illogical, given that a kilo of truffles costs about $ 1,300 on the American market.

To find a way out of the deficit of the rare mushroom, the authorities in Corrèze will sign a three-year contract, which provides for the development of a methodology for artificial creation of truffles with the companies Delpeyra and STEF-TFE. Instead of tree roots, truffle clones will grow in a laboratory. However, it is not clear whether the unique taste of the mushroom will be preserved.

In the natural environment, truffles grow underground, at a depth of not more than thirty centimeters. Generations of biologists, botanists and scientists have tried to breed the valuable product, the price of which is literally "golden", but without much success. Truffles grow only in a natural environment.

Truffles grow best in coniferous forests, being found with the help of specially trained dogs and pigs. Decreased truffle production worldwide in recent decades is largely due to drastic climate change, major droughts and torrential rains.
