One Hundred Jars Of Lyutenitsa Will Cost You BGN 30

One Hundred Jars Of Lyutenitsa Will Cost You BGN 30
One Hundred Jars Of Lyutenitsa Will Cost You BGN 30

The pickle and winter season in our country is officially open. According to rough calculations, the products for 100 jars of lyutenitsa this year will cost the hosts about 30 leva.

An inspection by the Novinar newspaper shows that a kilo of peppers costs 80 stotinki at the Women's Market in Sofia, a kilo of tomatoes is offered for a lev, and eggplants are priced at around BGN 1.20.

The big food chains have even announced promotions of the products needed for the preparation of pickles and lyutenitsa. For example, a liter of oil is sold in some stores at a discount of BGN 1.70.

For about 30 leva a Bulgarian housewife can buy the necessary products with which to prepare 100 jars of lyutenitsa according to rough calculations.

Market vendors say they are still expecting demand for winter vegetables to jump, although it is now noticeable that the Bulgarian is busy preparing pickles and lutenitsas.

However, this year's winter will be prepared from imported vegetables from Greece and Macedonia, as Bulgarian products are sold at higher prices due to rain-affected crops.

Tomato paste
Tomato paste

While imported tomatoes on the markets in our country cost about a lev, the kilogram of tomatoes produced in Bulgaria exceeds 2 levs.

The jump in Bulgarian peppers and aubergines this year is about 40 stotinki per kilogram. Gherkins in most markets are available for BGN 1.60 per kilogram.

Peppers are imported from Turkey this year. However, many consumers are worried that they contain pesticides above the norm, as their import controls are extremely low because Turkey is not a member of the European Union.

Due to the shortage of tomatoes this year, Bulgarian canneries were forced to use Chinese puree in lutenitsa. Although it is not made of completely natural products, lutenitsa producers say that at least the jars will be cheaper than the money you will spend to prepare your own winter food.
