Five Favorite Recipes For Buns From Around The World

Five Favorite Recipes For Buns From Around The World
Five Favorite Recipes For Buns From Around The World

Buns are a favorite breakfast not only for children but also for adults. Although they are more caloric, they are regularly present at our table, so it is good to learn how to cook them differently. Here are 5 recipes for buns from around the world that are radically different from each other:

Balkan bays

Necessary products: 1/4 liter of water, 4 tablespoons butter, 1 pinch of salt, 1 tsp flour, 5 eggs.

Method of preparation: Bring the water to a boil and add the butter, salt and flour. Mix well until you get a smooth dough. Remove from the heat and after cooling, add the eggs. Stir until the eggs are completely absorbed. Scrape the dough with a spoon and put a small amount in hot fat. Fry until golden and the finished buns are served sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Chinese bays

Necessary products: 1 tsp flour, 3 beaten egg whites, 4 tbsp powdered sugar, a few leaves of magnolia.

Method of preparation: Knead the dough from all the products, to which the magnolia leaves are finally added. From it, balls are formed, which are placed in hot fat and fried until pink. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Five favorite recipes for buns from around the world
Five favorite recipes for buns from around the world

Greek bays

Necessary products: 1 tsp boiled chestnuts, 6 eggs 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp. including flour.

Method of preparation: The chestnuts are mashed and the yolks, sugar, flour and egg whites are added successively and everything is mixed. Pour the dough into small molds and bake in the oven until fully cooked.

Belgian bays

Necessary products: 3 apples, 5 tbsp. tsp flour, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp powdered sugar, 30 g yeast, 2 eggs, 1 tsp milk.

Method of preparation: Add the butter, sugar, beaten egg yolks, milk mixed with yeast and beaten egg whites to the flour. Make a dough that is left to stand for 3 hours. It is rolled out and made into small squares, in which a slice of peeled apple is placed and then pressed with fingers. The buns are fried, drained and ready to serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

German buns

Necessary products: 100 ml of red wine, the middle of 1/4 bread, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 2 egg whites.

Method of preparation: The middle of the bread is cut into slices, which are dipped in the mixed wine and sugar. Then each slice is dipped in a bowl in which the egg whites are broken and the buns prepared in this way are fried until golden.
