Sauerkraut Recipes From Around The World

Sauerkraut Recipes From Around The World
Sauerkraut Recipes From Around The World

Few people know that sauerkraut, which we love to cook in the fall, is actually a German specialty. Although in Germany they do not make sarmis from it, they use it for absolutely everything else. The recipe for shank with sauerkraut is especially popular. In Russia, as in many Asian countries, sauerkraut is also popular. Here are a few recipes for sauerkraut from around the world:

Sauerkraut in a can in our way

Necessary products: 30 kg of cabbage, 400 g of salt per 10 liters of water, a few cobs of corn

Method of preparation: The cabbages are cleaned, their head is removed and a cross is cut at the same place to a depth of 3-4 cm. The cabbages are placed in a can together with the corn and filled with water and salt, which should be 10 cm above the cabbage. After 4-5 days, the overflow begins, which takes place for about 15-20 days a day. The can must be tightly covered.

Sauerkraut in German
Sauerkraut in German

Sauerkraut in German

Necessary products: 10 kg of cabbage, 2 kg of carrots, 1 head of celery, 1 top of parsley, 5 g of cumin, a few grains of black pepper and bay leaf

Method of preparation: Chop the cabbage and carrots and salt. They are arranged in a special vessel, which is sold in Germany for the preparation of sauerkraut, and the finely chopped spices are placed between them. After fermenting the cabbage, put it in a cool place.

Sauerkraut in Russian
Sauerkraut in Russian

Sauerkraut in Polish

Necessary products: 5 kg. white cabbage, 2 kg apples, 1 kg carrots, 120 g salt, 3 g fennel seeds

Method of preparation: The cabbage is cut together with the cob, and the apples and carrots are planed. Mix with salt and dill and place in an enamel, glass or wooden bowl. They are flooded with water in which peeled and washed potatoes have been soaked and pressed with weight. So prepared sour cabbage Store in a cool place.

Sauerkraut in Russian

Necessary products: 10 kg of cabbage, 600 g of carrots, 1 kg of red beets, 1 head of celery, 1 kg of small apples, 200 g of cranberries, 250 g of salt

Method of preparation: Cut the cabbage into strips, salt and arrange tightly in jars. Between it put sliced apples, carrots, beets, blueberries and celery. It is mandatory that everything is well pressed to remove air. Finally, arrange the cabbage leaves and press each jar with weight. Store the jars in a cool place.

Appetizing suggestions with sauerkraut: Pork [ribs with sauerkraut], Pork with sauerkraut in a casserole, Pork with sauerkraut, Meat with sauerkraut, Sauerkraut with minced meat, Sarmi with sauerkraut, Chicken with sauerkraut.
