The World Is Crazy About The New Superfood - Beets

The World Is Crazy About The New Superfood - Beets
The World Is Crazy About The New Superfood - Beets

Recently, healthy eating has become a favorite topic - we constantly hear and read about various products that are extremely useful, healthy, etc. Almost constantly rediscovered some new cereals, vegetables, exotic fruits, which are confirmed to be useful and put on it. superfood label.

Of course, this raises the price of the product instantly, and consumption increases several times.

The newest superfood is beets - kale, whose seeds go into the background because the world is crazy about red beets. Due to the change in its status, the price has also risen - sales of vegetables in the UK have reached one million pounds.

The label superfood and the greater demand from consumers naturally caused producers to launch all kinds of beet products - from soup and salad, to drinks and chips.

The reason for this change is a study by Queen Mary University, London. According to scientists, regular consumption of beet juice will significantly reduce blood pressure. The survey was conducted earlier in the year. Since the publication of the study, five of the largest supermarkets in the UK have increased their stocks of beets by 20 percent.

Beetroot salad
Beetroot salad

Without succumbing to mass psychosis - beets are really useful, but if you take it for medicinal purposes, be careful with the doses at the beginning. Vegetables have a wonderful detoxifying effect - it removes toxins from the liver and spleen.

However, it is recommended that the consumption of beet juice is not done in large doses and suddenly, because side effects may occur. Most often these are dizziness and nausea. It is most reasonable to start with 50 ml of juice and about 200 - 250 ml of carrot juice.

It is also well known that red beets are dietary - 100 grams contain only 44 calories. It is also rich in sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus. Beets speed up metabolic processes and are a mandatory part of the menu of patients with anemia, because they contain chlorophyll.
