The Different Colors Of Tomatoes And Their Content

The Different Colors Of Tomatoes And Their Content
The Different Colors Of Tomatoes And Their Content

Tomatoes are among the favorite healthy vegetables, which many enjoy eating all year round. Of course, during the warmer months, they are the most delicious, but those who are attached to them consume them in the cold weather.

Juicy, tasty, fragrant - the tomato is a real natural gift that brings many benefits to the body. If, on the other hand, you grow them yourself in your own garden, you will undoubtedly agree with that.

As is known, there are many varieties of tomatoes. There are people who are adherents of certain and consume or produce only them.

IN the content of tomatoes, however, there are some other secrets that determine their color, not just variety. Here's what you can find in different colors of tomatoes, especially if you buy them from the store.

Yellow tomato

This color is an indicator of the presence of polyphenols in tomatoes. The latter are important antioxidants for the body, which take care of the regulation of blood pressure and cholesterol. Yellow tomatoes can support the function of the arteries, their flexibility and endurance.

Orange tomato

tomatoes and their benefits
tomatoes and their benefits

They are also known as brownish, darker red or orange tomatoes. They are rich in substances that cleanse the body of free radicals. They are characterized by a high content of vitamin E, which takes care of the condition of the skin. It is crucial for her health and can help fight problems such as psoriasis, eczema or the like.

Red tomato

Classic of the genre! Red tomatoes are the most popular, sought after and consumed. They contain lycopene - a carotenoid pigment or in other words one of the most important antioxidants. This substance is known for its benefits for the skin - it protects it from harmful intense sunlight. In addition, it can be a faithful collaborator in the fight against problems related to the heart, circulatory system and some types of cancer.

These are just some of the benefits of tomatoes. An ordinary product with an extraordinary impact. Therefore, it is good to make them an integral part of your menu.

They are healthy and wholesome food, so you can consume them without restriction. A wonderful addition to any dish in the form of a fresh salad, part of one or something completely different, according to your own taste.
