The Different Foods And The Time Required For Their Digestion

The Different Foods And The Time Required For Their Digestion
The Different Foods And The Time Required For Their Digestion

To maintain balance and proper functioning of the body, various products we consume require their own digestion time. It is extremely important for losing excess weight and shaping the desired figure.

On the one hand, proper digestion depends on human metabolism, sex, age, health. On the other hand, however, everything depends on the product. Different foods are broken down differently in the body. Some require more time, others disappear in seconds. How quickly you get hungry again depends on the rate at which they are processed.

Foods that digest faster are considered a source of energy. They supply the body with glucose. However, if there are already remnants of it in the body, it could accumulate, leading to fat and weight gain.

Foods that are digested more slowly supply the body with a more balanced energy as they raise sugar levels slowly. However, you can not consume only such products, as this would deplete the stomach and your whole body.

The best option is to consume any food. In this way the body will be protected from overload, digestion it will be easy, and you will be full of energy and strength throughout the day.

There is a rule that for breakfast and dinner you should eat food that breaks down faster, and for lunch - products that require more time to digest, because then the body is most active.

Time to digest food
Time to digest food

Here is how long it takes for individual products to be processed in the body:

• Water - processed immediately;

• Juice of fruits or vegetables - 15 to 20 minutes;

• Raw vegetables - 30 to 40 minutes;

• Vegetables that have undergone heat treatment - 40 minutes;

• Fish - 45 to 60 minutes;

• Salad flavored with a fatty product (oil, olive oil) - 1 hour;

• All types of dairy products - 2 hours;

• Nuts - 3 hours;

• Chicken meat - an hour and a half to 2;

• Beef - 3 hours;

• Angel meat - 4 hours;

• Pork - 5 hours.
