Armored Coffee - How It Is Made And What It Is Useful For

Armored Coffee - How It Is Made And What It Is Useful For
Armored Coffee - How It Is Made And What It Is Useful For

The coffee is a world famous and preferred drink by people of all ages. The discovery of the amazing gift of nature dates back to the third century AD. The discoverer is said to be an ordinary Ethiopian shepherd who noticed that when his animals consumed the leaves of a particular shrub, they became very energetic and restless. He decided to check out what this shrub is like and, tasting its fruit, started the legend of the drink that gives strength, energy and clears the mind.

Coffee is prepared and served in an incredible number of ways and the traditions associated with it are extremely many. Among the whole colorful range of possibilities, black coffee, Greek frappe and Italian cappuccino impress, all the way to all kinds of hot and cold cocktails based on coffee.

But have you heard of armored coffee? This new variety with a little scary name is actually a very basic combination of coffee with natural fat. It seems strange to combine so many different ingredients, but the benefits for the body are really unexpectedly many.

The idea for the armored coffee came to Dave Asprey, who borrowed it from Tibetan tea, which adds strong milk and salt. The creative experimenter came to the conclusion that this combination can replace breakfast in the morning, as it contains many useful substances for the body.

Replacing cream or milk with butter or vegetable coconut oil will add valuable omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. Coconut oil has an antioxidant effect, is a natural immunostimulant and accelerates metabolic processes. It contains triglycerides that make fat absorption easy.

Armored coffee
Armored coffee

Photo: Sevdalina Irikova

When a little fat is added to coffee, the body is put in a mode to burn fat throughout the day. This keeps cholesterol at proper levels. Because fat is saturated, it slows down the body's absorption of caffeine, which prolongs its action. The body remains saturated for a long time.

Themselves preparation of armored coffee requires absolutely no skills or extra work. Add 2 tablespoons of cow's or coconut oil to the already prepared espresso and mix in a blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The cup armored coffee fully replaces breakfast.
