Keep Dill Fresh For Several Months Without Freezing

Keep Dill Fresh For Several Months Without Freezing
Keep Dill Fresh For Several Months Without Freezing

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Do you have or have bought a lot of dill and want to keep it fresh? Do not freeze it!

We offer you an idea for fresh dill without freezing, and the recipe is so easy to follow.

Collect the dill from your garden, wash and dry very well - it must be completely dry before proceeding to the next step. Wash the jars with a screw and dry them completely and they must be completely dry. Cut the dill into large pieces and place it in the jars. Close with a screw and place them in the refrigerator. That's all, you are guaranteed to have fresh dill for a few months.

Fresh dill
Fresh dill

Useful properties of dill

Dill increases appetite, improves metabolism and normalizes the digestive system. It is useful in insomnia, flatulence, hypertension, anacid gastritis, cystitis and other kidney diseases, relieves headaches and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular activity.

In addition, fennel has a diuretic and choleretic effect, is used in diets against obesity, liver and gallbladder diseases, as well as a means of increasing milk secretion in nursing mothers.

Dill soup
Dill soup

Taking freshly cooked fennel broth lowers blood pressure, intestinal relaxation, headaches, improves the digestive system, is recommended for severe coughs and hiccups.

Dill is also used for cosmetic purposes in the form of lotions to relieve redness and inflammation around the eyes.
