How To Cook Fresh Fish For Sushi

How To Cook Fresh Fish For Sushi
How To Cook Fresh Fish For Sushi

Sushi fish must be raw. This belief is the basis of Japanese cuisine, which assumes that nature cannot and should not be improved or corrected in any way. And although there are recipes in which fish is boiled or baked, this is considered a huge compromise.

Rice, on the other hand, is what connects all regions of the country. It is an essential part of almost every dish. Along with fish are the most popular foods in Japan, where meat is still not very popular.

The name "sushi" itself refers to the rice that is used for the fermentation process of the fish itself. Literally translated, it means "sour, sour."

From a scientific point of view, this is explained by fermented rice vinegar, which breaks down fish into essential amino acids. This avoids rot. From there comes the fifth taste, known for thousands of years to the Japanese - umami.

In its original form, this process was used to store fish in Southeast Asia. There the catch was left to ferment in rice. When it was taken out for consumption months later, the rice was discarded.

During the period, rice vinegar began to be added to rice for better taste. This improved the taste and shortened the fermentation time. In the following centuries, rice and fish began to be pressed into wooden molds.

Types of Sushi
Types of Sushi

Among the first surviving recipes for sushi, there is evidence that layers of salt and rice were placed on freshly caught fish, then pressed with a stone and covered with a lid or towel.

In this way, it successfully fermented after a few months, and the rice was discarded. Over the years, however, people have decided that the fermentation period is too long and the disposal of rice is a waste. Thus, in the 17th century, rice vinegar began to be added to sushi, which shortened the time for making sushi.

Sushi fish must be freshly caught. The most commonly used fish are salmon and tuna, but cuttlefish, octopus, shrimp, crabs and caviar are also used. If the fish is even a little old, it does not make sushi.

The fresh fish you have chosen should be cut into thin strips. Place horizontally on the rice. It is not processed in any other way and is not salted. Also, it can be made into a puree and mixed with mayonnaise.
