Fiber Brings Longevity

Fiber Brings Longevity
Fiber Brings Longevity

Fiber, also known as "fiber" or "fiber", must be present in certain amounts in our daily diet. They are contained mainly in plant products.

Products of animal origin, milk, eggs, meat, fish, do not contain any fiber. Foods high in fat contain minimal amounts of fiber, and foods high in fiber are low in fat.

There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Different foods contain different amounts and types of fiber. Soluble fiber is more important for our health because it reduces bad and helps maintain good cholesterol levels, thus controlling diabetes.

Fiber reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, and in some cases protects against colon cancer.

Diets high in fiber are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular disease. Because they are broken down relatively slowly by the body, this leads to a slower rise in blood sugar, which in turn makes them very useful for diabetics. Fiber lowers cholesterol levels and regulates blood sugar levels.

Including more fiber in the daily diet also prevents overeating - fiber creates a feeling of satiety.

Fiber brings longevity
Fiber brings longevity

Fiber is found in fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, cereals such as oats, and chewing gum. The biggest sources of fiber are grains, dried fruits and root crops.

However, you should not overdo these foods - a maximum of 10 grams of your daily ration of fiber should come from these supplements. Fiber should be taken with plenty of fluids.

Daily fiber needs depend on age. Most people consume only 10 grams of fiber a day. The body needs 12 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories consumed. Health nutritionists recommend a minimum of 25 years of fiber per day for women, and 30 years - for men.
