2024 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2023-12-16 08:29
Although the name may sound unfamiliar, these wood mushrooms are one of the most consumed in Japan. They are so called because some people believe that Judas Iscariot, after betraying Jesus Christ, the Son of God, hung himself from an ancient tree and his spirit returned like a sponge.
Well, since this fungus grows mostly on old wood and looks like an ear, some people decide that it should be called Judas' ear. Another name for her is kikurazh.
These mushrooms have a dark color and an unusual crispy texture. They are high in iron and contain significant amounts of vitamins B1 and B2, the latter of which helps your body convert carbohydrates into glucose and maintain liver function.
Prevents iron deficiency anemia extremely effectively. In their dried state, Yudino ear is a rich storehouse of vitamin D. Yudino ear mushrooms have long been used for health problems in traditional Asian medicine, and the benefits of this are now recognized in Western medicine.
Chicory has an anti-inflammatory effect that can help relieve cold symptoms. It also contains antioxidants that protect the heart and can lower both total and bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. This mushroom has long been valued in China for its effectiveness in maintaining youth and longevity.
Judas ear ranks second among foods in fiber and has three times more iron than liver and twice as much calcium as milk. It has a reputation in the Chinese herbal class that increases blood viscosity (same effect as aspirin) and improves blood circulation. It is given to patients suffering from atherosclerosis.
Photo: Wikimedia
Kikurazh contain a polysaccharide that not only inhibits tumor growth and prevents cancer, but also neutralizes the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. The fungus is a good "absorbing" and "extracting" toxic substances in the body thanks to pectin, which can absorb dust in the lungs and digestive system.
Although the name is treacherous, this mushroom will never betray your health, so combine the delicious variety of your menu with the health benefits for your body.
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