Artichoke Diet

Artichoke Diet
Artichoke Diet

Artichoke is an easily digestible vegetable and due to its low calorie content is recommended for inclusion in diets. It is extremely rich in a variety of nutrients, fiber, antioxidants. The main components of artichoke are water, carbohydrates and fiber, minerals such as sodium, potassium and calcium, vitamins B1 and B3.

We recommend a diet with artichokes, which is very easy and should be followed for three days. This is not a monodiet, as artichokes can be combined with other products.

For breakfast you can eat some fruit, coffee with skim milk, skim yogurt, you can even eat a little cheese with a little wholemeal bread.

For lunch you can prepare rice with artichokes, artichokes with peppers or some other type of vegetable. You can prepare different recipes with artichokes, the most important thing is to prepare it without fat.

For afternoon snack you can eat a slice of apple.

For dinner, prepare a light recipe with artichokes. You can prepare it with lemon or roasted artichokes.

For the next two days, follow the same diet, you can just change the dishes with artichokes.

Avoid salt.

Drink two liters of water on the diet and do not follow it for more than three days. Once you're done, start to slightly increase the list of allowed foods, but avoid fried and sweet. You can take a break and return to the three-day artichoke diet.

If you want you can add artichokes to your menu, you can make tea from it. Boil water in a small saucepan and after boiling add a few leaves of artichoke. Boil for five minutes, then remove from the heat and put the lid on for three to three minutes. It is recommended to take this tea three times a day after meals.

The artichoke diet is very good because it eliminates accumulated fat, lowers cholesterol and contributes to purification and detoxification of the body. Artichoke helps the liver and balances blood pressure.
