

The artichoke is a large prickly plant that originates from the Mediterranean. He is a member of the Flowers family. Wild artichoke grows in southern Europe. Its leaves grow from the base of the stem and are long and prickly.

The stem is up to 1 m high, branched, and the branches end in large prickly flowers, which are purple in color and sometimes white. The thickened core and fleshy bases of the leaves of the immature flower are the parts of the artichoke that are edible.

Artichokes first appeared in Sicily, Italy. The plant is also mentioned in Greek and Roman literature as early as 77. Artichokes were also cultivated by the North African Moors near Granada, Spain around 800. The vegetable was brought to England around 1548, but was not well received. Spanish settlers brought artichoke to California in 1600, but it did not immediately gain popularity, and its widespread production and use began after 1920.


Types of artichokes

Depending on the shape and color of the leaves, there are over ten types of artichokes. Only one of them is edible raw and is considered a delicacy.

- Chinese artichoke - It is popular and grown in Europe and the Far East. It grows on small tubers. Before cleaning and removing the hard part, it is necessary to blanch;

- French artichoke (gulia) - this species comes from North Africa, but is grown in Europe and America. Its only edible part is the bud;

"Jerusalem." artichoke - This species is a tuber with a pronounced nutty taste. Its color varies from beige to brownish red.

Artichoke composition

Artichoke, which is still used sporadically by Bulgarian hosts, is not only tasty, but also rich in bioactive substances. Proof of this is that an extract is extracted from its sharp leaves, which is a raw material for the production of medicines.

The content of artichoke contains a lot of fiber and trace elements, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium. This prickly vegetable is a source of vitamin A, B1, B2, C, and is rich in many proteins, fats, carbohydrates and niacin.

The content of artichoke contains the carbohydrate inulin, which causes swelling, as well as a high content of cinnarine. Cinnarine is a powerful antioxidant, a fighter against harmful free radicals. These "pests" interfere with the oxidation of lipids, disrupting the vital activity of cells as a result of damage to the cell membrane.

Medium artichoke, stewed or cooked contains: 60 calories; 4.2 grams of protein; less than 1 milligram of fat; 13.4 grams of carbohydrates; 114 grams of sodium; 6.5 grams of fiber.

Selection and storage of artichokes

Artichoke cooked
Artichoke cooked

Artichokes can be found all year round, with a peak season from March to May and fewer harvests in October. When choosing artichokes, make sure that the heads of the vegetables are dark green, heavy, and the leaves are close to each other.

The fresh one artichoke is a very volatile product, so it should be stored in the refrigerator by placing it unwashed in a plastic bag. It is best to use within 4 days of purchase. Very often the artichoke darkens, so experienced chefs advise to put very well cleaned in water with vinegar or lemon juice.

It is important to know that the size of the artichoke does not affect its taste.

Culinary use of artichokes

The composition of artichoke determines its good combination with the flavors of lemons, oranges, raspberries, capers, as well as spices such as garlic, bay leaf, parsley, basil and coriander.

Preparing it for consumption involves removing the entire stem from the base, which breaks rather than cuts. The small leaves at the bottom of the vegetable are also removed. It is also necessary to remove the thorns, and scissors or a sharp knife can be used to cut the sharp tips. The artichoke prepared in this way should be placed in water with the juice of one or two lemons (or vinegar water) until it is cooked.

The edible part of the artichoke is the inner, lower leaves, consuming 1/3 of their lower part. The core of the artichoke is also edible, but the mossy coating must first be removed. Baby artichoke is a fully ripe artichoke that grows close to the ground, protected by the larger leaves of the plant. It is easy to cook and prepare, as the inner hairy part does not develop.

We recommend that you consume steamed artichokes, because this way all its useful substances are preserved. However, it is very tasty baked or stewed. Small artichokes are very suitable for breakfast, and medium - for stewing and baking. Fresh artichoke core can be added to salads.

Benefits of artichokes

Sliced Artichoke
Sliced Artichoke

Artichoke is one of the ancient medicinal plants. It protects the liver from toxic damage and promotes its rapid recovery in the presence of a toxicoinfectious process. Prolonged use of artichoke reduces the level of serum cholesterol and triglycerides.

The vegetable is also suitable for use in steatosis of the liver, after hepatitis and after cholecystectomy, in chronic constipation and flatulence. It stimulates the excretion of waste substances from the activity of the human body, and manifesting its diuretic action accelerates the excretion of excess fluid and salts.

The leaves of artichoke are used to treat jaundice, gallstones, atherosclerosis. This vegetable is an excellent food for people with diabetes, gout and even cellulite.

Harm from the artichoke

The artichoke food is not recommended for people with gastritis with low acidity and low blood pressure.

Weight loss with artichokes

Artichoke is an invaluable dietary product because it is low in calories, rich in fiber and last but not least - very filling. The bitter taste of cyanine stimulates the secretion of bile and improves the breakdown of excess fat. Avoid salt during the artichoke diet. At the same time, you should not subject the artichoke to too long a heat treatment, because the useful ingredient cyanine is lost.
