Cook With Olive Oil To Prevent Stroke

Cook With Olive Oil To Prevent Stroke
Cook With Olive Oil To Prevent Stroke

Olive oil is an excellent alternative to cooking oil. Besides being delicious, it has irreplaceable benefits for the body.

Regular consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of stroke by nearly 50%. Scientists from France came to this conclusion after conducting a large-scale study.

Specialists from the University of Bordeaux have carefully analyzed the records of nearly 8,000 people over the age of 65. The participants in the study were from three French cities. The condition was that they did not have a family history of stroke. The elderly were observed for five years.

The main criterion was their eating habits and in particular the use of olive oil. Thus, it turned out that people who prepare their meals daily with olive oil reduce the risk of stroke by 41%.

This percentage decreases significantly in adults who use moderate amounts of olive oil only for flavoring salads, and the most at risk are people who do not include olive oil in their menu at all.

Cooking with olive oil
Cooking with olive oil

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It lowers bad cholesterol in the blood and maintains the amount of so-called. "Good" cholesterol. As a result, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves. Olive oil is also rich in polyphenols, as well as vitamins E, A, D.

Olive oil prevents rapid aging of the body and reduces the risk of developing many diseases. Olive oil can undoubtedly be defined as a valuable natural medicine for the human body.

Risk factors contributing to stroke include atherosclerosis, heart disease, alcohol and drug abuse.

Stroke, also called apoplectic stroke, is an acute circulatory disorder of the brain that results in damage to brain functions with varying degrees of damage. In general, after the age of 55, the risk of developing a stroke doubles.
