Which Fats Are Really Unhealthy

Which Fats Are Really Unhealthy
Which Fats Are Really Unhealthy

Fats in nature are animal and vegetable - saturated and unsaturated fats. They are one of the main components present in all foods. They are composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Their beneficial as well as harmful properties have long been debated. A study is about to clarify the question of which of fat are really unhealthy and which are not.

According to current opinion, all the necessary body fats are present in fresh and clean fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. On the other hand, it is claimed that fats, which raise blood cholesterol levels, are found in meat, dairy products, bacon, butter, palm oil and other animal sources. But here's what recent research shows.

In a test, volunteers were divided into three groups. The first menu included linseed oil, the second - olive oil, and the third - butter - three different sources of fat. They ate three times a day with a daily dose of between 1,800-2,000 calories. Physical activity was moderate.

During the study period, every morning, one hour, three hours and five hours after each meal, the researchers took a blood sample from the test participants. The results were eloquent.

Useful fats
Useful fats

Tests show that the intake of fat from cow's oil raises cholesterol less than the intake of saturated fats from vegetable sources - olive oil and linseed oil.

One explanation for this pattern is the molecular structure of different types of fats. For example, an animal fat source contains about 20% short and medium chain fatty acids.


The researchers also found that the increase in cholesterol was significantly higher in men. This is due to the different hormonal structure of the male and female body. For example, the female body accumulates the fat in it as subcutaneous. In this way, they enter the circulatory system to a lesser extent.

However, nutritionists are adamant that large amounts of fat, especially high-calorie fats, inevitably increase the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Fats, like all other products, should be consumed in moderation.
