Celery - Food And Medicine

Celery - Food And Medicine
Celery - Food And Medicine

Celery is a wonderful vegetable that came to us from the Mediterranean. In ancient Greece, it was considered a magic plant that had magical powers and could rejuvenate.

Perhaps the secret of celery is in its rich content of minerals, as it contains a lot of potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Celery actively regulates metabolism, normalizes hormones and removes harmful substances and excess fluids from the body. It is considered an energy and low-calorie product and has unique features.

The thing is that celery has a so-called negative caloric content, that is, the consumption of this vegetable not only does not accumulate calories, but even burns.

Hippocrates considered celery a cure for all diseases. In fact, celery cleanses the body of toxins, rejuvenates it and acts as a tonic.

This vegetable is unique in that all its parts can be consumed. It can be boiled, fried and baked, and its stems and leaves can be eaten raw.

Celery seeds are used as a spice. Celery goes well with various products, so it can be used in salads and as a side dish for meat and fish, and also goes well with mushrooms.

Weight loss
Weight loss

Valuable juice is prepared from the roots and leaves. If you want to increase your overall tone and increase your ability to work, calm your nerves and improve your sleep, consume more celery.

It contains many beneficial substances that can reduce the level of stress hormones and many essential oils that reduce tension. Celery contains vitamins from group C, group B, PP, E and carotene.

All these substances work wonderfully on the skin, hair and eyes. Celery is an aphrodisiac, so it is very useful for men. It helps prevent prostatitis, especially in combination with apples.

If the beloved man receives a salad of celery and apples every morning, he will receive a sudden surge of strength and energy. Freshly squeezed celery juice helps clear toxins and has a diuretic and laxative effect.

However, you should not drink more than a hundred milliliters a day. It is drunk before meals, combined with a spoonful of honey. As a result, there is a suppression of appetite and improvement of digestion, as well as the immune system.

If you combine celery juice with carrot or apple juice, you will get a wonderful way to improve your complexion. Celery root helps in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. It is enough to boil the root and drink the decoction of one hundred milliliters before eating.
