Eat Cabbage Regularly! That's Why

Eat Cabbage Regularly! That's Why
Eat Cabbage Regularly! That's Why

Even in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were known healing properties of white-headed cabbage. It contains sugars, proteins, fats, cellulose, enzymes, minerals, salts and a large complex of vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, C, PP, K and U.

Pythagoras claimed that cabbage maintains a cheerful mood and cheerfulness.

The tartaric acid contained in cabbage prevents the conversion of sugars into fat and protects the body from obesity. It is good to include in the diets for weight loss the intake of fresh cabbage as a salad - both fresh and sauerkraut are suitable, because during heat treatment tartaric acid is destroyed.

Cabbage contains the mineral iodine and is therefore a very good food for patients with impaired thyroid function.

Cabbage is also a recommended food for people suffering from kidney and diabetes, because this vegetable contains too few nitrogen compounds.

Cabbage salad
Cabbage salad

Cellulose, which is contained in cabbage, activates the peristalsis of the lazy intestines and is a very useful food for constipation.

Cellulose helps to remove cholesterol from the body and is recommended for atherosclerosis.

The potassium salts contained in cabbage help to release fluids and activate the activity of the heart muscle.

Fresh cabbage juice (not sauerkraut soup) contains vitamin U, which is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Cabbage contains vitamin C and helps wounds to heal faster, and in inflammation of the oral mucosa, cabbage juice, diluted in half with boiled water, is used as a gargle. Fresh cabbage juice, sweetened with sugar, has an expectorant and emollient effect on bronchitis.

Cabbage leaf, applied to the joint, relieves pain, takes away heat, relieves and soothes.
