Why Should You Eat Peppers Regularly?

Why Should You Eat Peppers Regularly?
Why Should You Eat Peppers Regularly?

We all rejoice when the season of peppers comes, which in the villages are usually called just pepper. There are the best peppers in the summer and in the autumn, depending on which part of Bulgaria you buy them or even better - you grow them yourself.

But besides being very tasty, peppers are also very useful. In the following lines we will reveal you why you should eat peppers regularly.

The peppers are very rich in vitamins A, B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. Interestingly, although we always talk about citrus fruits, which are also rich in vitamin C, it is much more concentrated in peppers, which, in terms of their richness in vitamin C, ranks them well ahead of lemons or parsley, which are said to be leaders in this regard.

Most vitamin C is found in red and orange peppers, and you probably know that vitamin C, in addition to being a great antioxidant and strengthens our immune system, also promotes the absorption of iron, ie. they are also the ideal food for people suffering from anemia.

Red peppers are rich of capsaicin - a substance that works hard for the health of our lungs and heart. It also has a beneficial effect on our digestive system, which is why regular eating of peppers is recommended during diets to lose weight.

Capsaicin is also found in large amounts in hot peppers, so if you like hot peppers, do not hesitate and eat hot peppers regularly.

Benefits of hot peppers
Benefits of hot peppers

You can even make red pepper juice because it will take care of the health of your hair and nails.

Everything said so far applies in full force to home peppers. Those peppers that are grown in the villages and which you can usually buy from the roadside stalls.

The peppers that are sold in stores all year round are mainly imported from Greece, Turkey, Macedonia, Italy, Spain and Jordan (winter peppers), which are treated with pesticides for better yields and in order to gain better trade. species are subjected to chemical treatment.

In the beginning of 2020 alone, more than 30 tons of such products were withdrawn from the Bulgarian market, but it should be very clear to you that not every imported product can be monitored.

Use only our peppers, which you can store in different ways for the winter - frozen, dried or canned. You can count on the health benefits of peppers and consume them all year round!
