The Unknown Healing Power Of The Herb Dadalan

The Unknown Healing Power Of The Herb Dadalan
The Unknown Healing Power Of The Herb Dadalan

Many of us like to find out about the various spices, aromatic herbs and herbs that we can use both in cooking and for healing. They really are countless and most of them can be found in almost every major store.

However, there are such herbs that are rarely talked about and that we may not have even heard of, although they are found in many places in Bulgaria. An example of this is the herb dadalan.

It really sounds quite unfamiliar, and her other names, which she meets, are no less unknown - bray, brace and water. Here is some information to unravel the mystery surrounding this herb:

1. Dadalan is from the Bray family and is a perennial herbaceous plant that has a very fine stem, up to 3 m. Its leaves are pointed with long stalks. There are eye-catching bright red juicy fruits that are at the same time highly poisonous. This is why, if you notice a dadalan somewhere around, be sure to warn your children not to play with its fruits;

2. Dadalan is found mainly in southern Bulgaria, growing freely among the bushes;


3. Dadalan is used for joint pain, such as sciatica, pleurisy, rheumatism, colds and others. The reason lies in the fact that it irritates the skin, which leads to improved blood circulation.

4. What is used by added for medicinal purposes, it is not the stems or leaves, but the root. It is removed either in spring or autumn and dried. Store in paper bags in a ventilated and shady place;

5. According to some folk herbalists, the underground part of dadalan can be useful in tuberculosis and hemorrhoids;

6. If you want to make a decoction of dadalan, you need to boil 1 tablespoon of the chopped underground part in 450 ml of water for about 10 minutes. Then strain the liquid and take 50 ml of it 3 times a day before meals.;

7. You can also make a lotion from added and apply it externally. In this case, you need to grate its underground part and soak it for 25 days in 500 ml of strong brandy and 500 ml of olive oil. If you do not have brandy, you can use only olive oil, but not 500 ml, but 1 liter.
