Black Salt - The Most Valuable Of All Species

Black Salt - The Most Valuable Of All Species
Black Salt - The Most Valuable Of All Species

Everyone knows about the harms of table salt. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to replace it. The newest is black salt.

Black salt or mud sauce comes from India. It is a special mineral salt with a specific taste, widely popular in Ayurveda.

In reality, black salt has no black color. It is dark red with grayish hues. It is called conditionally black because of the radical difference from the sodium salt. Its colors are due to the minerals and iron that abound in it.

Black salt is indispensable. It has a specific and unique taste that cannot be replaced by any other salt or spice. Even if you try, the culinary effect will be lost forever. If the recipe specifically mentions the use of black salt, then you must get it.

In India, black salt is valued for its therapeutic properties. It is considered the most useful among other species because it does not increase blood sodium levels and can be consumed by patients with high blood pressure. In addition to supplying iron, it is used to treat gas in the intestines and stomach acids.

Types of Salt
Types of Salt

Intake of black salt improves digestion by cleansing the intestines. It improves vision and has a tonic and rejuvenating effect on the body.

Another valued quality of black salt is the fact that its taste is close to that of eggs. This makes it a favorite spice of vegans and vegetarians who do not consume eggs. It is often used to flavor tofu to bring it closer to the taste of egg salad.

Black salt is one of the main ingredients in the spice mix masala. In addition, the spice also contains ground mango and chili powder, dried ginger, black pepper, asafetida, coriander and cumin.

The spice is used to flavor drinks and dishes. Its smell is defined as rotten eggs, and the taste is sweet and sour. Serve on a banana leaf or on a small flat plate.

Apart from being a spice, black salt is also part of some toothpastes.
