Medicinal Soups From Around The World

Medicinal Soups From Around The World
Medicinal Soups From Around The World

People from all over the world have created their own recipes for medicinal soups. In general, soups are very useful, they are well absorbed by the stomach and are easily absorbed by the body.

All over the world, chicken soup is considered the best medicine for colds, and chicken broth is given to strengthen after a long illness. In the chicken soup is good to add a variety of vegetables, as well as onions and crushed garlic cloves.

In China, for example, a stuffy nose is thought to be treated with a sweet and sour soup with rice vinegar, ginger and garlic.

Indian soup against high blood pressure is made from chickpeas. To make chickpeas tasty and easy to cook, they should be soaked in water for about ten hours.

They are then left to swell for another six hours until slightly split, and then boiled. After the chickpeas are cooked, add one or two crushed garlic cloves.

A few pomegranate seeds are added to the soup, which improves kidney function. This soup can be prepared by replacing chickpeas with lentils.

Chinese soup with tofu and spices is useful after a long journey, especially by plane. It contains diced soy cheese - tofu, which is very lightly boiled, add finely chopped and lightly roasted in a dry pan ginger, and pour the beef broth over everything. Add spicy spices to taste.

Filipino soup for arthritis pain is made from ginger. This soup is also useful as a prophylaxis against influenza. Fry three cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of grated ginger and a large onion, finely chopped.

Chicken, cut into strips, fry and then chop. Add water and fried garlic, onion and ginger and bring to the boil. Add a little finely chopped spinach and a few pieces of green papaya. Add hot red pepper and a little salt.
