The Chinese Man Proposed Marriage To 1,001 Hot Dogs

The Chinese Man Proposed Marriage To 1,001 Hot Dogs
The Chinese Man Proposed Marriage To 1,001 Hot Dogs

The marriage proposal is an important and intimate moment in the life of every woman. For the Chinese Zheng Zhuang Kang, this moment will really be unforgettable, as her friend Wang Chu asked for the hand of his beloved in the company of 1001 hot dogs, informs Metro newspaper.

The 32-year-old Chinese man organized a real spectacle in honor of his future wife. In the mall in the city of Chengdu, where the closest people of the couple gathered, the future groom arranged 1001 packed hot dogs. With some of them, he wrote the word Love in the center of the room.

Zheng, 27, couldn't believe her eyes when she saw all the "decoration." In fact, she was one of the few people present who understood the meaning of the message. The two lovers met for the first time in a hot dog restaurant.

So this kind of sandwich turned out to be fateful for their relationship. The amount of sandwiches was also not accidental. Wang stopped at the number 1001, because in China, when a man wants to flatter his partner, he says: You are one in a thousand!.

And while Wang tries to impress the woman of his life with food, his compatriots use other "hidden" weapons. In China, vodka quickly became popular, with Viagra added to alcohol. Unfortunately for the manufacturer, the illegal scheme was quickly discovered and production was discontinued.


The factory where the miracle vodka was mixed is located in Hubei Province, and the alcoholic beverage is called baiju. The manufacturer desperately wanted his product to gain popularity, so he decided to take advantage of the magic of the blue pill. He managed to distribute 750 liters of the innovative vodka before being detained by law enforcement.

In early 2014, the man bought 1 kg of sildenafil from the Internet - the main substance in Viagra. The Chinese businessman sold almost a thousand bottles for five dollars. Another 810 he provided free of charge to his friends and acquaintances.

However, the man's illegal activities quickly became known and he was arrested. In China, the addition of anti-impotence drugs to alcoholic beverages is considered a crime, as the resulting mixture can be dangerous to human health and even cause death.
