Organic Foods - With Many More Vitamins

Organic Foods - With Many More Vitamins
Organic Foods - With Many More Vitamins

Organic food stands have already started to be established in our stores. In Western Europe and America, they have been popular for decades, while in our country they began to appear in recent years.

According to EU regulations, the names of packaging are biological (organic), ecological (eco) and organic (organic). In Bulgaria, the term "organic" is accepted and therefore foods that have the appropriate characteristics are organic foods.

Any food that bears the label "organic" by law must meet certain strict standards. Organic foods are those foods in the cultivation, storage and preparation of which no chemicals or artificial methods have been used to make the fruit larger and juicier in appearance, and the animals to grow faster and be stored for longer.

These are foods without synthetic enhancers, pesticides and genetically modified changes. Organic foods contain several times more vitamins, especially vitamin C and are much stronger antioxidants than ordinary fruits and vegetables. No wonder the fact that organic food is many times tastier than standard foods.

Bio foods
Bio foods

In the production of food labeled "organic" are not used fertilizers and dangerous pesticides, but only natural products that nature provides. This applies not only to plants, but also to what the animals eat.

Organic products are slower and harder to produce and can be stored for a much shorter time. This makes them more expensive than other products, which contain enhancers and stabilizers that store and mostly improve the product, but at the same time take away a huge part of its useful ingredients.

Foods labeled "organic" are three times more expensive than others and usually have to stand on a separate stand in stores.

Bananas, citrus fruits, fish, avocados, broccoli, and even pork are foods that do not contain too many genetically modified ingredients and pesticides.
