Five Ideas For Fruit Puree

Five Ideas For Fruit Puree
Five Ideas For Fruit Puree

With the preparation of fruit puree almost every mother who wants to be sure she knows what her child is consuming has encountered.

Although nowadays baby food manufacturers are strictly controlled and strictly sanitary, it is always better if we can prepare the puree for our child, especially if we have home-grown fruits and vegetables. It is only important to find out which fruits to combine and when to give them to your little one.

All fruit purees can be sealed in jars, tightly closed while hot, turned upside down with caps and, after cooling, stored in the refrigerator. This way you will be able to have fruit puree, which will keep fresh for a few days if stored cold. You can also combine different fruits and vegetables to provide variety to your little one.

Be sure to find out which fruits are recommended for constipation, which for diarrhea, as well as when you can add semolina or rice to the fruit puree. Here are some ideas for what fruit purees you can make for your child, and if you add more sugar than is allowed for babies, you can make your whole family happy.

Banana and apple puree

Preparation: Peel an apple, slice it and put it in boiling water until it softens. Then mash and add 1 mashed banana.

Banana Puree
Banana Puree

Pear and rice puree

Preparation: 1/2 teaspoon of rice is brought to a boil. Separately, peel and peel the pear, mash it and add it to the rice.

Apricot and carrot puree

Preparation: Peel the carrots, wash and chop finely. It boils. Peel 3 apricots separately, remove the stones and boil. Everything is mixed and mashed. If necessary, you can add a little sugar.

Apple and pumpkin puree

Preparation: 200 g pumpkin is cut into small pieces and put to boil. After it softens, the peeled and sliced apple is added to it and everything is mashed.

Mashed carrot, banana, apple and semolina

Preparation: Peel a carrot, chop finely and bring to a boil. After it softens, add the sliced apple. Once they are ready, they are strained. Separately prepare semolina according to how thick we want the puree to be. It is mixed with mashed apple and carrot and mashed banana is added to them.
