Weight Loss With A Monodiet

Weight Loss With A Monodiet
Weight Loss With A Monodiet

Being overweight is a problem that worries many people. Everyone dreams of getting rid of extra pounds, and most of us want this to happen as soon as possible. In the pursuit of the ideal weight, the choice of a monodiet is quite tempting. She promises you to get rid of 3-5 pounds in just a week.

The monodiet is based on the use of the same product. There is a wide variety of monodiet with apple, watermelon, yogurt, buckwheat, rice and even chocolate. When choosing such a diet, you must remember that prolonged use can bring you more harm than good. To do this, apply the monodite no more than three consecutive days, and in more severe cases a maximum of 5-6. The best option is once a week so you can secure the so-called fasting days.

Weight loss with a monodiet
Weight loss with a monodiet

Doctors rightly believe that prolonged eating with a single product can lead us to a hospital bed. This is because the human body requires a balanced intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For example, rice contributes to the thickening of the bile and the formation of gallstones in the gallbladder, lowers the level of hemoglobin in the blood and leads to a lack of vitamin. Cheese has a high protein content, which disrupts the metabolism of calcium in the body, leading to anemia, reduced mental and physical activity. Apples are not proteins, which in turn causes a problem with the endocrine system and central nervous system. Watermelon is completely devoid of fat, and this can lead to a lack of fat-soluble vitamins in the body. Carrots in large quantities can lead to so-called carrot hepatitis.

Given the lack of protein, the body begins to consume its own tissues: muscles, immune cells and liver. Beauty can also be affected, in fact the lack of vitamins and trace elements can lead to negative consequences for your skin, hair and nails.

The monodiet is quite an effective diet, but as you understand you need to be careful with it. The results are visible in a very short time and do not require any special preparation of the products in it, you just have to eat the same thing at each of your meals.
