You Will Lick Your Fingers! Here's What To Cook With The Remaining Sauerkraut

You Will Lick Your Fingers! Here's What To Cook With The Remaining Sauerkraut
You Will Lick Your Fingers! Here's What To Cook With The Remaining Sauerkraut

The sauerkraut season is slowly and surely coming to an end. In every home we roll some other cabbage, but we have long been tired of the traditional winter pots. Sarmi, pork with cabbage, appetizer cabbage sprinkled with paprika - they all made us happy the previous months.

If you are wondering how to prepare sauerkraut in a way that will surprise your loved ones and make them gasp, here you will find the answer. Today we have gathered for you a few forgotten ways to prepare the favorite winter product of the Bulgarian.

One of the most popular and original recipes for sauerkraut are stuffed sauerkraut and steaks dressed in cabbage leaves. Both recipes can be changed and allow the hosts to improvise according to the tastes of the family.

Cabbage can be filled with medium-sized pieces of pork with lots of leeks and sarma. Steaks can be prepared in many ways. If you have already baked steaks, dip the cabbage leaves in boiling water and wrap the meat in them. Fold it nicely, like in an envelope, and bake in a pan, yen dish or casserole for about 30 minutes.

When the steaks are raw, they should be seasoned with black and red pepper and a little savory. Wrap them in cabbage leaves and bake for an hour and 30 minutes in a dish of your choice.

Fun and delicious ideas with sauerkraut do not end there. One of the easiest recipes involves a small loaf. Carve the inside out of white bread and fill it with sauerkraut and finely chopped bacon on top. Sprinkle with parsley and serve - everyone will lick their fingers.
