Satisfying Spring Soups

Satisfying Spring Soups
Satisfying Spring Soups

Spring is a time to eat green vegetables. With them we can make salads, soups, main dishes, which are not only very tasty, but also healthy and last but not least - filling.

The spring soups we have selected are lean and are prepared relatively quickly. We start with spinach soup, and here are the necessary products:

Satisfying spring soups
Satisfying spring soups

Sapanach soup with tomatoes

Necessary products: 500 g spinach, 2 tomatoes, 2 carrots, ½ onion, 1 tsp bulgur, 1 tsp red pepper, fat, salt, vegetable broth, water

Method of preparation: first wash the spinach well and cut it into strips, then add a tablespoon of vinegar and water and let it soak. Put bulgur in another container and fill it with water - it's good to stand for a few hours.

Finely chop the onions and carrots and fry in hot fat, then add the finely chopped tomatoes. when they have changed color, add the red pepper, stir, pour about 3 cups of water and add the broth.

Satisfying spring soups
Satisfying spring soups

Add the spinach and when the soup boils, add the bulgur. Turn off when the bulgur is cooked. If you want instead of bulgur, add brown rice.

The following suggestion is for a cream soup with several types of green leafy vegetables:

Green cream soup

Necessary products: sorrel, dock, nettle, dill, 1 medium potato, fat, pepper, salt, 2-3 cloves garlic and mint for flavor

Method of preparation: all vegetables are cleaned and washed and put in a saucepan with water to turn. Potatoes are added, and after all the products are cooked, the soup is removed from the stove and mashed with a blender, and before that you have to add the garlic. Finally add dried mint and the remaining spices. Serve with croutons.

Satisfying spring soups
Satisfying spring soups

The last offer is with sorrel and potatoes, but also with a little chicken for flavor. Here's how to make it:

Cream of sorrel and potato soup with chicken

Necessary products: 6 potatoes, ½ bunch sorrel, ½ l fresh milk, ½ pack. butter, 4 tablespoons cream, white chicken

Method of preparation: Peel the potatoes and boil them, after they soften, mash them and add the milk and, if necessary, part of the water where they were boiled. Stew the chopped sorrel in the butter and add the chicken pieces.

Once fried, remove from the heat and add the cream, then pour over the potatoes. Serve warm and with toasted croutons.
