A Few Tips On How To Deal With Spring Allergies

A Few Tips On How To Deal With Spring Allergies
A Few Tips On How To Deal With Spring Allergies

If you are among the millions of people in the world who suffer from spring allergies, then the following lines are just for you! The number of pollen in the air increases with each passing year as a result of climate change and systemic pollution.

Fortunately, you don't have to leave work to live in a bubble for the next few months.

Here's a simple one tips for dealing with spring allergies:

1. Start taking your prescribed allergy medication earlier, and don't wait for the symptoms of a spring allergy to appear.

2. Leave the housework to someone else. Cleaning releases a lot of dust, which exacerbates allergies.

3. Do not re-wear an already worn garment and wash your hair regularly. Pollen has the ability to stick to tissues

4. Drink more green tea and nettle tea. Recent studies show that green tea blocks allergens and stops them from working.

5. Drink less alcohol. Unfortunately, a glass of wine will not help you to deal with spring allergiesand will sharpen them. The fermentation process produces histamine, the chemical that causes allergic symptoms.

6. Eat more omega-3 fatty acids. Fish for dinner will not cure you of unpleasant symptoms, but will help support a healthy immune system and reduce sensitivity to allergies.
