For And Against Crab Rolls

For And Against Crab Rolls
For And Against Crab Rolls

You probably think of countless recipes for salads and appetizers that are made from crab rolls and you yourself love both to prepare and consume them. You think that they are a real delicacy, which is also at a very decent price. After all, a kilo of pinches of royal crab is about BGN 80, and a whole packet crab rolls can be found at a price below BGN 1. Have you ever wondered what this is due to?

Quite simple. In the same way that the fairytale heroine Snow White is not hidden in the Snow White salad, there are no crabs in the crab rolls. They represent surimi - a Japanese word for minced meat, mainly fish. And you'll be lucky if the crab rolls you bought or have already consumed contain real surimi, because that's not certain either.

In Japan, where crab rolls actually originated, they were made from minced trout meat to which an insect-derived colorant was added. It sounds awful, but in fact it was real crab rollswhich appeared in the 60s of last century and which quickly became popular almost all over the world.

Crab rolls
Crab rolls

Today, like the sausages we eat, we have no idea what exactly is in the package of crab rolls. That there are no crabs in them is clear, but sometimes they do not even contain surimi, but are a mixture of stabilizers, flavors, preservatives, thickeners and all sorts of other clear and obscure "chemicals". Which should make it clear to you that it's a good idea to avoid consuming them.

Note that we have indicated that it is good to avoid consumption of crab rollsand not forget about them at all. Just be vigilant when buying such a product and read in detail what its contents are. If you see that at the beginning of the list of ingredients there is an inscription "surimi" or "minced fish", then you have come across rolls of crab that are edible.

Salad with crab rolls
Salad with crab rolls

Also watch for the color of the shrimp sticks. Very often they are colored in bright red, which is a guarantee that they are full of colorants. The real ones crab rolls they should be pink, not red.
