Herbs For A Healthy Heart

Herbs For A Healthy Heart
Herbs For A Healthy Heart

For centuries, people have treated heart problems with herbs. Medicine today is quite advanced and many problems with the cardiovascular system are treated successfully. In addition to medication, we can help ourselves with herbs, as long as we are sufficiently informed and do not miss a doctor's consultation before undertaking such treatment or prevention.

Plants must be known and chosen correctly for a particular problem, because each of them has its own characteristics.

Here are some basic ones herbs for a healthy heart:


Hawthorn is an herb that helps with cardiac neurosis and has a calming effect. Its inflorescences and fruits are useful in most heart diseases. Hawthorn has a pronounced cardiotonic effect, which helps the sick or weakened heart to work better. Hawthorn increases the contractility of the muscle tissue of the heart, but at the same time reduces its excitability.

The triterpene acids in the herb improve blood circulation in the coronary vessels and cerebral vessels, increase the effectiveness of the cardiac glycosides used and minimize pain and discomfort in the left side of the chest. Hawthorn also calms the nerves and lowers cholesterol, it is an excellent general tonic and vitamin.

Devil mouth

devil's mouth for a healthy heart
devil's mouth for a healthy heart

This plant is very good for the heart as a cardiotonic agent. It also helps with vascular and heart diseases: cardiosclerosis, cardiac neurosis, heart failure, hypoxia, vascular dystonia and has a general tonic effect. Contributes to the dilation of blood vessels, forcing blood to flow faster through the veins and thus improves blood circulation, reducing the risk of thrombosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease. Reduces nervous excitability, reduces psycho-emotional arousal, helps to relax and fall asleep as soon as possible.

Mountain arnica

It perfectly dilates the coronary and peripheral vessels, which increases the flow of oxygen to the heart. It is very effective in attacks of acute heart failure.

Lemon balm

It is most commonly used as a sedative, although its spectrum of action is much wider. Lemon balm is able to cope with a mild form of hypertension, improve the condition during tachyarrhythmias and coronary heart disease, if not already started. Lemon balm can be used even for children with heart disease, suffering from defects and high blood pressure.


Valerian is an herb for good heart health
Valerian is an herb for good heart health

It dilates the coronary vessels, as a result of which the blood flows faster, the hemodynamics are normalized, the process of oxygen supply to the heart muscle is improved, the load on it is reduced. Rich in various organic acids, free amines, tannins, essential oils, valerian improves health during cardiac neurosis, blood vessel spasms, hypertension, increased nervous excitability.


Chicory root, in the form of a decoction, improves blood circulation, thins the blood, strengthens the heart.


Prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, eliminates inflammation. Ginger is recommended to drink as a tea.

Green tea

Green tea is believed to lower cholesterol, improves heart health, rejuvenates the body. Green tea is recommended to drink during the day.

Herbal treatment can be no less effective than traditional, but it is recommended to be performed under medical supervision. In any case, you should first consult your doctor, hear his authoritative opinion and only then apply herbs that seem so harmless at first glance, but fully capable of worsening the human condition if used improperly and excessively.
