Herbs For Healthy Kidneys

Herbs For Healthy Kidneys
Herbs For Healthy Kidneys

The kidneys are the two filters whose task is to rid the body of decomposition products, toxins, toxins, microbes. Every day the body gets rid of 2.5 liters of excess fluid and dangerous compounds.

The kidneys regulate the content of chemical elements in the blood, affect blood pressure, participate in the formation of blood. Therefore, when the work of the kidneys is disturbed, the work of the whole organism is disturbed.

Therefore, these natural filters require periodic cleaning, restoration and in case of disease, rapid comprehensive treatment. See in the following lines the best herbs for healthy kidneys:


Flax seeds normalize blood circulation and make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, thus improving kidney function. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries of the kidneys. For prevention it is enough to take 20-25 grams of seeds a day. You can use them in the form of a decoction or porridge, jelly added to salads.


cranberry is excellent for healthy kidneys
cranberry is excellent for healthy kidneys

Cranberry leaves disinfect and prevent the growth of bacteria in the kidneys, and during remission, in the case of kidney stones, do not allow their re-formation. For prevention and healthy kidneys a decoction of the leaves is used. You can also drink fruit juice, adding a little sugar, and even better - honey.


The color of black elderberry rejuvenates the cells of the body, strengthens and dilates blood vessels. In addition, the plant is characterized by antimicrobial and diuretic effects. Due to these properties, the protective forces of the kidneys and their resistance to infections increase.


Rose hips are recommended for kidney disease due to their anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic properties. The plant is effective purifies the kidneys, removes salts from them, promotes the decomposition of stones.


Horsetail is an herb for healthy kidneys
Horsetail is an herb for healthy kidneys

Horsetail removes excess fluid from the body; improves filtration; disinfects; relieves pain; prevents the re-formation of stones. Horsetail extracts and decoctions are indicated for renal edema and pyelonephritis.


Yarrow has a mild diuretic effect, delicately removes sand and kidney stones. And due to the content of choline, the herb has a strong bactericidal effect. By the way, if the disease is accompanied by a headache, the herb will help eliminate it.


The value of bearberry is in its ability to increase diuresis - to increase urine production and stimulate its excretion - to disinfect.

Remember that before taking herbal treatment it is good to consult a doctor. Improperly selected and dosed, herbs can worsen your condition!
