Chocolate Helps Us Think Fast

Chocolate Helps Us Think Fast
Chocolate Helps Us Think Fast

A group of American scientists has set out to prove that cocoa beans improve blood circulation and thus help our thoughts flow at a much faster rate.

To prove that the substance flavanol, which is contained in cocoa beans, improves thought and makes it faster, experts decided to conduct an experiment.

It involved 34 clinically healthy volunteers aged 59-83 years. They received cocoa-based drinks and flavanol-reduced drinks.


Some time after swallowing the chocolate, the participants went to a laboratory to have an ultrasound of their blood supply to the brain.

It turned out that after only a week in the participants of the experiment, who regularly drank cocoa, the speed of blood circulation increased by 8 percent, and after another two weeks - by as much as 10 percent.

According to scientists, this property of chocolate can be successfully used in the treatment of thought disorders. In addition, flavanol is known as a powerful antioxidant, so taking moderate doses of cocoa in the form of a drink or chocolate is even recommended, especially if you have to think all day.

Chocolate is absorbed very quickly by the human body, so if you need to quickly recharge your body with energy, eat a large piece of chocolate.

You will immediately feel the energy begin to flow from you and you do not mind staying in the office to work overtime.
