How Exactly Chocolate Helps To Lose Weight

How Exactly Chocolate Helps To Lose Weight
How Exactly Chocolate Helps To Lose Weight

As we know, the chocolate can be different - milky, white and dark.

White chocolate is essentially not chocolate at all, as it lacks cocoa beans, but only cocoa butter.

Milk chocolate contains cocoa beans, but in small quantities - up to 35%. The other ingredients are cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder and various additives.

There is a lot of sugar in milk chocolate, so it is not the most useful product for weight loss.

It's a completely different thing dark chocolate. This article is aimed at him.

Consumption of chocolate
Consumption of chocolate

Most often, dark chocolate is produced without external additives. It contains little sugar, but the content of cocoa beans is quite high - from 75 to 99%.

For those who want to lose weight, I advise you to buy chocolate with an optimal cocoa content of 80-85% and more.

Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants, elements that neutralize the action of free radicals. Antioxidants prevent the aging of the body, especially the aging of brain cells.

Chocolate contains special substances that help produce the hormone of joy - serotonin. Thanks to this property, chocolate helps to get rid of depression, improves mood, regulates blood pressure and even prevents strokes.

Fighting stress is a lot important moment in weight loss!

The components of chocolate prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which means that the use of this treatment reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

The use of dark chocolate increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, therefore - reduces the risk of developing insulin resistance and improves glucose distribution. In this way, glucose enters the cells to generate energy and is not stored in the fat depot.

How much chocolate can I eat and when?

How much chocolate to eat and when
How much chocolate to eat and when

The best time to eat chocolate is in the morning. Eat chocolate for breakfast between breakfast and lunch. The last hours for consuming chocolate are 16-17 hours, after which time eating sweets is not strictly recommended.

You can eat up to 30 g of chocolate at a time, and that's 1/3 of the bar - quite a lot, right? But eating chocolate every day is not worth it, especially if you want to lose weight.

Pamper yourself with this delicious product 2-3 times a week and you will not suffer from the ban on cakes, with which many people lose weight on their own.
