Symptoms That You Have Taken Too Much Caffeine

Symptoms That You Have Taken Too Much Caffeine
Symptoms That You Have Taken Too Much Caffeine

With the presence of caffeine in many different drinks, foods and medications you may find yourself experiencing symptoms of caffeine overdose. Or you may be sensitive to caffeine, even in small amounts. Learn the signs of these problems.


Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea and chocolate (but not found in most herbal teas). Caffeine is also isolated as a chemical during the process of making decaffeinated coffee and added to energy drinks and certain foods.

It is found in some medicines used to relieve pain, as well as in energy pills or powders. Caffeine is a common ingredient in herbal weight loss supplements, but researchers say it may not be exactly on the label.

How much caffeine is too much?

In moderation, caffeine is usually a very safe stimulant that can provide benefits such as alertness and improved mood, but excessive caffeine consumption can cause a number of side effects. For most people, about 300 milligrams of caffeine a day is a safe level of caffeine consumption, although this is roughly equivalent to three cups of coffee.

Some people are sensitive to caffeine even at low levels. It is also important to recognize that caffeine levels vary greatly in coffee, tea and other caffeinated substances.

excessive caffeine
excessive caffeine

Symptoms of caffeine overdose in adults

Symptoms of caffeine overdose vary from person to person and range from moderate (reddened face) to extreme (death), depending on the individual and the level of caffeine consumption.

Symptoms of caffeine overdose include: rapid heartbeat, anxiety and other nervous system problems, confusion, diarrhea, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, restlessness or fainting, dizziness, fever, flushed face, gastrointestinal problems, hallucinations, headache, increased urination, increased thirst, irregular heartbeat, irritability, nervousness, muscle twitching / spasms or seizures, nausea, breathing problems and vomiting.

Symptoms of caffeine overdose in children

The reaction to caffeine in children is similar to that in adults, but because they weigh much less, less caffeine is needed to get the effects. The additional symptoms of caffeine overdose in this case they include low blood pressure and alternation between tense and relaxed muscles.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of 12 not eat or drink any caffeinated foods or beverages. Although you may not give your child coffee, be aware of other sources such as fizzy drinks, chocolate and energy drinks.

Sensitivity to caffeine

People with health problems or sensitivity to caffeine also experience negative symptoms with moderate caffeine intake. The symptoms of caffeine sensitivity are similar to the symptoms of caffeine overdose, but they can start at much lower levels of consumption, such as the relatively low level of caffeine in a chocolate bar.

a lot of caffeine
a lot of caffeine

Factors affecting caffeine sensitivity include:

Age: Children are more sensitive to caffeine than adults.

Gender: Women are often more sensitive to caffeine than men.

Health problems: Anxiety, cardiovascular problems or respiratory problems can increase caffeine sensitivity and overdose.

Irregular Caffeine Consumption: Regular caffeine consumption increases the tolerances of caffeine in most people, but if you take it infrequently, you will feel the effects more.

Medications: Caffeine may interact with medications and supplements such as theophylline, echinacea, and some antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin and noroxine (norfloxacin). Potential side effects include aggravation of symptoms associated with excessive caffeine consumption and prolonged effects of caffeine.

Weight: Lower weight usually increases sensitivity to caffeine.
