How Much Do You Have To Work To Buy A Kilo Of Beef

How Much Do You Have To Work To Buy A Kilo Of Beef
How Much Do You Have To Work To Buy A Kilo Of Beef

The most expensive meat on the market is beef, and in order for a Bulgarian with a minimum wage to be able to afford a kilo of it, he has to work 5.50 working hours, according to the Meat Price Index for 2017.

According to the world index, the most expensive beef is in Switzerland with a price per kilogram of 49.68 dollars per kilogram. However, the Swiss only have to work 3.1 hours a day to buy it for their table, even for unskilled workers on the minimum wage.

The most accessible for Bulgarians is chicken and, accordingly, the most consumed. Our compatriots have to work only 2.50 hours a day to buy one kilogram of chicken.

To afford white fish in our country, you have to work 5.80 hours a day. For pork, the hours fall to 4.40, and the longest Bulgarians have to work to buy a kilo of lamb - 8.20 hours a day.

According to the company Caterwings, which prepared the ranking, the costs of beef, fish, chicken, pork and lamb in the largest cities of each of the 52 countries surveyed are compared with the minimum wage. The calculations are then used to assess the availability of the products.


The data show that the highest meat prices are in Switzerland and the lowest in Ukraine. But prices are not crucial when it comes to meat consumption, but local wages.

For example, in Norway, which is among the countries with the highest meat prices, you can afford a kilo of beef only after 1 working hour, because wages in the country are high.

While in Indonesia you will have to work 23.6 hours per kilogram of beef, as wages there are very low.

The study also shows that they rarely eat white fish in Egypt, where they need to work 44.2 hours to afford it, and most often - in Sweden, where they have to work only one hour.
