9 Signs That You Drink Too Much Water

9 Signs That You Drink Too Much Water
9 Signs That You Drink Too Much Water

Nutritionists constantly remind us that drinking enough water is especially important for our body to function properly. And this is true, except in cases where you overdo it with water.

Although people pay more attention to the signs of dehydration, overhydration is just as dangerous. Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, also known as hyponatremia, causing the inside of the cells to dilute. In severe cases, water intoxication can lead to health problems such as seizures, coma and even death.

Here are some of signs that you are drinking too much water:

You never go out without a bottle of water

If you carry your water bottle with you all day and fill it as soon as it is empty, it is very likely that you will drink too much water. Constant drinking of water can lead to low levels of sodium in the blood, which in turn can lead to swelling of the cells in the body.

According to Dr. Tamara Hugh-Butler, a professor of exercise at the University of Auckland in Rochester, Michigan, this can be especially dangerous, especially when your brain begins to swell. Your brain can only swell about 8-10% before it reaches the skull and begins to push the brain stem out, says Hugh-Butler.

Drink water even when you are not thirsty

You drink too much water
You drink too much water

The best way to find out if your body needs more water is to think about whether you feel thirsty or not. Our bodies are programmed to fight dehydration, so we have a number of built-in mechanisms to protect us from it, explains Hugh-Butler. One of these mechanisms that all animals have is thirst. Thirst tells us when we need more fluids or when not. The more water we need, the more thirsty we feel.

Drink water until your urine is clear

If you drink a healthy amount of water, the color of your urine should be a semi-marked yellowish color. Although most people believe that clear urine is the healthiest sign of hydration, the presence of urine without any pigmentation may be a sign that you are drinking too much water. For most people, 8-10 glasses of water a day is considered a normal amount of fluid. However, this amount varies depending on the height, weight and level of physical activity of each person.

You urinate often, even at night

If it turns out that you run to the toilet too often on a small need, it is most likely because you drink too much water. According to the Cleveland Clinic, most people urinate between 6-8 times a day. If you find that you urinate more than ten times, it is a sign that you are over-hydrating. Other causes of excessive urination can be an overactive bladder and more caffeine. To prevent nocturnal urination, drink your last glass of water a few hours before bed so that your kidneys have enough time to filter the water.

You feel sick and vomit

Nausea is caused by drinking a lot of water
Nausea is caused by drinking a lot of water

The symptoms of hyperhydration are very similar to those of dehydration, says Hugh-Butler. When you drink too much water, your kidneys cannot get rid of excess fluid and water begins to accumulate in the body. This can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

You have a headache all day

Headache is another symptom that occurs in both hyperhydration and dehydration. When you drink too much water, the concentration of salt in your blood decreases, and your cells begin to enlarge. For this reason, your brain grows and compresses the skull. This extra pressure can cause throbbing headaches and more serious health problems such as difficulty breathing and brain damage.

Your hands, lips, or feet become swollen or discolored

In many cases of hyponatraemia, swelling or discoloration of the hands, lips and feet may occur. When all the cells in the body swell, the skin will also begin to swell. So drinking too much water can lead to sudden weight gain due to water retention in the body.

You feel muscle weakness and frequent spasms

When you drink too much water, your electrolyte levels fall. Low electrolyte levels can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, including muscle spasms and other pain. You can prevent muscle problems by replacing a few glasses of water a day with natural coconut water, which is full of electrolytes.

You feel tired and dizzy

Your kidneys are responsible for filtering the water you drink, and their role is to keep fluid levels in the blood balanced. When you drink too much water, you create extra work for your kidneys, which puts extra stress on them and your whole body. This can make you feel tired and dizzy.
