They Debunked The Main Myth About Chocolate

They Debunked The Main Myth About Chocolate
They Debunked The Main Myth About Chocolate

Chocolate can cause depression and is not a cure for it. This unexpected statement was made by scientists from the University of California at San Diego, according to the Russian press.

They claim that people who regularly consume chocolate and chocolate products are more likely to fall into depression and melancholy than anyone else. A study of almost a thousand adults is adamant that the more a person eats chocolate, the worse the mood.

Until now, it was believed that chocolate held the lead among products capable of neutralizing depression. This property is attributed to it due to the content of the substance phenylethylamine in cocoa beans. It stimulates the release of endorphins - the hormones of happiness.

According to Dr. Ross Natalie of the research team, there may be several explanations for this paradox that chocolate does not help with depression, but leads to it.

In the first place, already depressed people reach for chocolate as a means of self-medication to improve mood. Secondly, in times of stress the thirst for chocolate increases, but this brings only short-term benefits. And in the long run it can lead to negative consequences. Finally, chocolate itself can cause a bad mood.

So far, scientists are in no hurry to draw definite conclusions and continue to search for the truth.

And last fall, researchers at Cardiff University came up with an unexpected discovery. Namely, that children who eat candy and chocolate every day are much more prone to violence in adulthood than those who do not have a passion for sweets.
