Snacks High In Protein

Snacks High In Protein
Snacks High In Protein

Are you used to tracking your weight, but find it difficult to cope with hunger in the morning? You've probably heard how important protein really is. But while most people find it easy to get the amount they need for lunch and dinner, breakfast can be a real challenge.

Not to mention that if you miss your morning meal, you will not take any at all protein.

You're ready to start your day right, aren't you? Take a look at our suggestions for snacks high in proteinthat will keep you full for a long time.

Omelet with avocado

Eggs are the best choice when it comes to more strong protein. Add vegetables and herbs, as well as avocados for more healthy fats. All these ingredients will immediately satisfy your head. Use three eggs that contain about 19 g of protein, so add a little cheese or meat to reach 30 g.

A bowl of cottage cheese

Snacks high in protein
Snacks high in protein

The curd is great to start the day. Add half a cup of cottage cheese, which contains about 14 g of protein and only 80 calories. Combine with chopped or grated vegetables such as spinach, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and red onions. If you prefer a sweeter breakfast, combine it with fruits rich in fiber.

Toast with scrambled eggs and tofu

There's no reason you can't combine plant proteins with eggs to diversify your nutrient intake. Mix two eggs with a ¼ block of hard tofu. Then add tomatoes and freshly ground black pepper. Put all this on a slice of wholemeal bread.

Egg muffins

Snacks high in protein
Snacks high in protein

Muffins do not need to contain large amounts of sugar and empty calories. We offer you a much healthier option.

To make egg muffins, you need nothing more than eggs, turkey fillet, cheese and vegetables of your choice. You can add cottage cheese or yogurt to them for extra protein and more flavor.

Toast with egg and avocado

Boil two eggs. Spread a slice of wholemeal bread with crushed avocado, add the chopped eggs and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Easy and delicious!

Toast with cottage cheese

Snacks high in protein
Snacks high in protein

Take a slice of wholemeal bread and spread it with a few teaspoons of cottage cheese instead of the familiar cheese. Add cinnamon, sprinkle with honey and a handful of nuts to add more protein. This food combination is super flexible, so if you prefer salty toast, you can try different vegetables and nuts.
