What Are Harmful Fats And Why?

What Are Harmful Fats And Why?
What Are Harmful Fats And Why?

Many believe that fat are the main enemies of the heart and therefore deprive themselves of many culinary dishes. But not all fats are equally harmful, say nutritionists. And some, on the contrary, are very useful to us. But who are they and what do they contain?

Harmful fats

What are harmful fats and why?
What are harmful fats and why?

Basically these are trans fats (hydrogenated fats). They are obtained by processing vegetable fats used in the production of margarine, oil and other cooking fats. Accordingly, they end up in chips, burgers and most of the pastries in stores.

They are dangerous because they increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. And this increases the risk of blockage of blood vessels and heart attack, contributes to the development of diabetes. In addition, trans fats affect sperm quality and probably prevent the formation of substances that fight carcinogens.

Saturated fat

What are harmful fats and why?
What are harmful fats and why?

These fats are not as dangerous as hydrogenated ones, but they are also very common. It is found in almost all fatty dairy products and meat and contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques. Recent studies also show that saturated fats reduce the activity of good cholesterol, ie. reduces its anti-inflammatory effect.

Useful fats

What are harmful fats and why?
What are harmful fats and why?

Unsaturated fats. Contained in olive oil, avocados and fish. Reduces bad and raises good cholesterol. A joint study from Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University showed that replacing a carbohydrate diet with a diet based on unsaturated fats improved the condition of the cardiovascular system for six weeks. During the study, patients had low blood pressure, high levels of good cholesterol, but the condition of adipose tissue did not change.

Omega-3 fatty acids

What are harmful fats and why?
What are harmful fats and why?

Contained mainly in fish and nuts. Resist the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques, lower blood pressure. According to some studies, consumption of these acids can reduce the risk of heart disease by 35% and the chance of heart attack by 50%. Furthermore omega-3 acids improve brain activity, help strengthen memory and attention.
