They Sold A Unique Watermelon For $ 3,200

They Sold A Unique Watermelon For $ 3,200
They Sold A Unique Watermelon For $ 3,200

Japan is a country that amazes the world every day with something new. So it is with watermelons of the "danceku" variety.

The Densuke variety is grown only on the northernmost island of Hokkaido. This watermelon is distinguished by its unique black rind, under which hides a bright red, sugar core.

It was brought to the region in 1980 to compensate for the loss from the reduction of the rice harvest. Therefore, the name of these watermelons consists of the hieroglyphs for rice field and aid.

Watermelon dance
Watermelon dance

A similar variety of watermelon is available on the market in the city of Asahikawa. The 33-year-old owner of a supermarket chain takes care of the cultivation of the variety. The production is about 10,000 watermelons per year.

A few days ago, a watermelon from the famous "Densuke" variety was sold at auction for 300 thousand yen. That's the equivalent of almost $ 3,200. The rich man, who has allowed himself this expensive pleasure, plans to exhibit the watermelon in one of his shops and resell it at a new auction.

In 2013, almost 70,000 elite Densuke are expected to be sold. The average price of each is about 5,000 yen or $ 50. They are sold in special black boxes in order to emphasize their natural color.

The Japanese are a people known for their love of watermelons. It is a practice to serve watermelon as a gift at important events. It is a sign of respect and esteem. That is why it was in Japan in 2005 that the heaviest watermelon of the new millennium was grown on the island of Kyushu. She weighed 111 kg. and is recorded in the Guinness Book.

As for the unique variety "Densuke", the record for this watermelon holds its price. In 2009, an 8-kilogram specimen of this species sold for $ 6,100. With this, this watermelon has practically become the most expensive watermelon in the world.

In general, in Japan there is a practice of holding auctions for gourmet fans. In January this year, for example, bluefin tuna was sold at a fish market in Tokyo. She weighed 222 kilograms, and the owner received a fabulous sum of 1.75 million dollars for her.
