Unique: They Created A Healing Yogurt With Broccoli

Unique: They Created A Healing Yogurt With Broccoli
Unique: They Created A Healing Yogurt With Broccoli

Super useful yogurt with broccoli will soon flood the markets. All lovers of healthy and low-calorie diet rejoice.

Scientists have created a super-useful type of yogurt. It is made on the basis of broccoli. Apart from being delicious, it is also healing. Green innovation can cure a bunch of diseases and especially colon cancer.

In mouse tests, scientists have documented how super yogurt kills 75% of their tumors and more than 95% of laboratory-grown cancer cells. This makes the product an unprecedented superfood.

Broccoli contains the anti-cancer agent sulforaphane. Combined with yogurt probiotics, which maintain the natural balance of organisms in the digestive system, the result is more than good.

Unique: They created a healing yogurt with broccoli
Unique: They created a healing yogurt with broccoli

The creators of the unique food are Prof. Matthew Chang from the National University of Singapore and his associates. They have created a harmless form of the bacterium E. coli Nissl, which is characteristic of the gut. They then turned it into a probiotic that binds to cancer cells and releases an enzyme that turns a substance in broccoli and other crucifers into a powerful anti-cancer agent. The technique is not simple, but it comes with the desired effect.

Broccoli yogurt will soon be available worldwide. Unfortunately, it is only effective in preventing colon cancer. However, scientists are optimistic that in the near future they will find foods that will fight existing cancer.
