How To Consume Raw Foods Properly

How To Consume Raw Foods Properly
How To Consume Raw Foods Properly

Raw foods are an excellent source of fiber, which facilitates the excretory system and saturates our body. But we need to know that some of these foods pose risks to our health, so we must strictly follow certain rules so that we can fully enjoy their many beneficial qualities.

Meat, fish, fruits and vegetables - it is fashionable to eat everything raw. We know that when they go through heat treatment, nutrients inevitably lose some of their most fragile vitamins.

Stimulating vitamin C and necessary for the proper functioning of our nervous system B1 and B9 are sensitive to heat, and also dissolve in water during cooking.

Freshly picked raw vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, trace elements, water and antioxidants. Substances such as beta-carotene and other keratonoids have been shown to be important in the prevention of some cancers.

Raw meat and fish retain 100% of the essential omega-3 fatty acids that protect the cardiovascular system. During frying and baking, most of these valuable substances are lost.

Consuming raw foods, we need to monitor the reactions of our body.

Nutritionists do not recommend switching entirely to raw food. Heat treatment destroys parasites and harmful bacteria contained in food - Escherichia coli in beef, campylobacter in chicken, salmonella in eggs, anisakis in seafood - a parasitic worm that is transmitted to humans. It manifests itself by nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and fever two or three hours after eating raw seafood.

Another danger is tapeworm. It lives in raw or undercooked meat. It settles in the human intestine and causes stomach pain and nausea. It is removed only with proper treatment.

Fruits and vegetables also pose dangers. Some mushrooms /e.g. the pump / in its raw state contains a poisonous substance that destroys red blood cells. This substance disappears during cooking.

Plant products are sometimes infected with parasites that cause toxoplasmosis, a disease that can lead to fetal malformations during pregnancy. Fiber from infected plants disrupts digestion in people with sensitive stomachs.
