Soups For Weight Loss

Soups For Weight Loss
Soups For Weight Loss

Slimming soups are a serious helper in the implementation of the program to achieve a new silhouette. The soup diet has many positive aspects.

It is completely harmless to the body. Unlike very strict diets, weight loss soups give the body the opportunity to supply itself with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The only thing that is limited is the consumption of fat. Such a diet does not exhaust the body and is easily tolerated, as it does not prohibit the consumption of fish and meat.

In one week diet with soups you can lose up to five pounds. To have a diet effect, consume different types of soup three or four times a day.

Soups for weight loss
Soups for weight loss

They are prepared not only with water but also with non-greasy broth. One of the most recommended soups for weight loss is that of celery.

You need two hundred grams of finely chopped celery root, five large onions and five carrots, five tomatoes, two red peppers, a small cabbage, three hundred grams of green beans, a liter and a half of tomato juice.

Put the chopped vegetables in a saucepan and pour the tomato juice so that it covers them, and add a little water. The soup is boiled, boiled for ten minutes on medium heat without a lid and another ten minutes under a lid.

Avocado soup requires pre-preparation of non-fat chicken broth - two hundred grams of chicken breast are used. One hundred and fifty grams of sliced onion are added to the broth and left to boil.

Then add five avocados, a little chopped coriander and the juice of one lemon to the broth. After boiling for a few minutes, the soup is strained and served warm.

For onion soup for weight loss you need four large onions, which are cut into circles and fried in oil, add a tablespoon of flour and one hundred milliliters of white wine.

This mixture is added to two liters of beef broth, add a clove of garlic and finely chopped green spices. Boil for one hour on low heat.
