About The Benefits Of Harmful Foods

About The Benefits Of Harmful Foods
About The Benefits Of Harmful Foods

In their quest to have a perfect figure, many women do not consume the products they love.

But they are very useful for their beauty, say French scientists. For example, some fats such as olive oil and vegetable oils are good for teeth.

The acidic environment that is created in the mouth during and after meals is conducive to the formation of caries.

Vegetable oils, walnuts and yellow cheese neutralize acidity. In addition, fats are needed to help absorb vitamin E, called the beauty vitamin.

They strengthen cell walls and are a good prophylactic against Alzheimer's.

Women who are on a diet refuse to eat bread. This is a mistake, because the only bread we should avoid during the diet is white.

Rye and whole grains contain many beneficial substances and B vitamins that are good for the brain.

About the benefits of harmful foods
About the benefits of harmful foods

Chocolates are also useful - thanks to them, nitric oxide is formed on the walls of blood vessels.

This helps to keep the cardiovascular system longer and normalizes blood pressure.

The high content of antioxidants and flavonoids in chocolate protects the body from heart attack and stroke.

Although nutritionists recommend weight loss courses unloading from meat, if you can not do without crumbs, do not give it up.

Meat contains many vitamins: B1, B6, B9, B12 and PP, as well as iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine.

The key to good mood - vitamin B6, is contained in the largest amount only in pork.
