Bay Leaves Heal

Bay Leaves Heal
Bay Leaves Heal

The pleasant and aromatic spice bay leaf can also be used as a medicine.

The ancient Romans used the laurel as a sign of victory - they put laurel wreaths on the heads of the victors. But Roman doctors discovered that it could be a panacea for all kinds of diseases.

If you chew bay leaves from time to time, you can treat inflammation in the oral cavity, prevent colds and tuberculosis, and relieve your angina.

The leaves release phytoncides - volatile plant antibiotics that give the bay bitterness its characteristic bitterness.

Bay leaves
Bay leaves

Bay leaves are a key ingredient in the preparation of essential oils. They are antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Aromatherapy with these oils calms the nervous system, helps with insomnia, depression and strengthens the body's immunity.

A few drops of essential oil rubbed into the skin reduce joint inflammation, increase blood circulation and reduce bruising pain.

Bay leaf essential oil can also be prepared at home.

You need 30 g of bay leaf (fresh or dried), which is poured with 1 tea cup of olive oil or vegetable oil and left to stand for 1 week in a dark place before use.

Decoction of bay leaves helps with osteochondrosis of the spine, kidney failure and skin inflammation.

Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine

For this decoction you need to boil 2 teaspoons of water and add to it 1 teaspoon of bay leaves.

If you have trouble sleeping, put bay leaves on your head before going to sleep, which you have previously immersed in water.

Scientists have developed a unique recipe that accompanies the treatment of throat cancer. The drug contains 1 teaspoon of bay leaves and 0.5 liters of vodka. The mixture is kept in the dark for 2 weeks, shaking periodically.

Doctors recommend that if you do not have time to prepare decoctions and oils, increase the use of bay leaves in your menu.

Many ladies add bay leaves to various drinks. such as juices and teas and thus enhance their usefulness.
