Dried Fruits Heal Nerves And Painful Cycle

Dried Fruits Heal Nerves And Painful Cycle
Dried Fruits Heal Nerves And Painful Cycle

Years ago, dried dates and raisins could only be found in every house on holidays, while today, when dried fruits are freely available everywhere, they are undeservedly forgotten.

Dates, for example, stimulate the heart, they are a wonderful tonic and immunostimulant, strengthen after a long illness. They help with fatigue, and are highly recommended for pregnant women.

Prunes regulate metabolism, are invaluable for people who have digestive problems. They generally improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and thanks to their consumption the skin of the face begins to glow.

Prunes are very useful for hypertensives because they normalize blood pressure. It is enough to eat 5-6 prunes a day.

Dried figs
Dried figs

The blue prune is an ideal remedy for a tooth - if you hold it close to the tooth, it sucks out the purulent sac. Raisins literally preserve the summer vitamins and trace elements that grapes are rich in.

Dried dates
Dried dates

They are useful for anyone who wants to strengthen their immunity, to say goodbye forever to their irritability, insomnia and bad mood.

The use of raisins is not recommended for obesity, acute heart failure, peptic ulcer and duodenal disease, as well as diabetes.

Raisins contain boron, which helps the body absorb calcium well. Dried figs are an ideal remedy for coughs and sore throats.

For this purpose, the figs are boiled in hot milk. They have the ability to lower the temperature. When in a cycle, especially if it is painful, women should eat at least 3 dried figs a day.

Dried figs are contraindicated in diabetes and pancreatic disease, as well as in the tendency to form kidney stones.
