Icy Italian Desserts

Icy Italian Desserts
Icy Italian Desserts

One of the most delicious iced Italian desserts is the Sicilian box office - this is a frozen cake with cottage cheese. You need 5 tablespoons of cream, 200 grams of powdered sugar, 500 grams of cottage cheese, 1 vanilla, 150 grams of raisins, 50 grams of candied fruit of your choice, 5 tablespoons of ground walnuts, 100 grams of natural chocolate, 1 ready-made cake pan, 50 grams of liqueur of choice.

Whip the cream with the powdered sugar and the curd. Add the vanilla, stir and leave for 12 hours in the refrigerator. The raisins are washed and drained.

The candied fruits are finely chopped. The chocolate is grated. The cake pan is cut into rectangles.

The candied fruits and chocolate are mixed with the curd, placed in a pan, the pieces of bread are placed on them, and sprinkled with liqueur.

The cake is left for three hours in the freezer. When it hardens, take it out of the mold. It is cut into pieces, following the shape of the cut pieces of marsh. When serving, turn and garnish with cream or coconut shavings.

The Italian dessert Semifreddo is very tasty. It is prepared from whipped cream and egg whites with various additives. You need 2 eggs, 50 grams of brown sugar, 100 grams of milk, 100 grams of cream, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 80 grams of almonds, 80 grams of natural chocolate, a pinch of salt, peach compote.

Pour boiling water over the almonds, peel the skins and bake for ten minutes in the oven. Then grind in bulk. The chocolate is cut into small pieces.

Beat the egg whites with the salt in the snow. Whip the cream. Mix the yolks with the brown sugar until light, add the milk and stir. Carefully add the egg whites and cream, then add the almonds. Add the cocoa, stir and add the chocolate.

Pour one third of the mixture into a rectangular silicone mold, arrange pieces of peach compote, pour another third, arrange peaches again and pour the rest of the mixture.

In the absence of a silicone mold, metal is used, lined with foil. Leave in the freezer for five hours. One hour before serving, remove from the pan, turn over on a plate and serve, garnished with cocoa or sprinkled with chocolate shavings.
